Focus T25 – Week 2 Results

Looking back on the week

Ooh, this was a rough week, y’all.  I didn’t track my food two days this week.  I struggled to get my workouts in.  I felt discouraged and defeated.  Then, as my favorite hippie likes to say, I started my ‘moon time’ and it all sorta made sense.


Key victories this week

  • Despite the struggles, I got movement in five times this week.
  • Though the workouts are still kicking my behind, my body is getting stronger.  I can feel it!
  • I had GREAT conversations this week.  Struggle reveals learning edges and generates insights.  It was a really great week from that perspective.

Key lessons

  • This is a marathon, not a sprint.  It’s not over because I had a bad week.
  • Even though it feels like I’m not progressing fast enough at times, I’M PROGRESSING!  It’s about habits.  It’s about consciousness.  It’s about strength and conditioning.  It’s not all about the mirror or the scale.

Workouts this week

Day Workout Calories Burned Notes
Monday Cardio 254 Barely made it. The second half of Cardio just kills me.  By the second Burnout, I was completely burned out.  And during the alternating kicks, I felt like a baby being lead around by my disproportionately large head.  I’ve really got to work on my balance.
Tuesday Walking Unknown I totally took myself out of the game.  I woke up and got on the scale (which I do often but only track once a week).  My weight was up.  I got frustrated and defeated and blah!  You know those moments when you say “what’s the point?”  And I know weight fluctuates.  Shame on me!  But no harm no foul.  I went for a walk on my lunch break, and Wednesday morning it’ll be time to bring it!
Wednesday Total Body Circuit 238 Barely made it. Today was rough.  I think I expected things to get easier this week.  That’s usually my experience when I start a workout program.  But today was not it.  I barely made it, and I was gassed early.  My body is generally feeling stronger and more flexible.  But that is not translating to having an easier time with the workouts.  I’ve got so far to go before I’m nailing.  And I got on the scale again this morning and my weight was up even further.  I think I’m going to have to go back to weighing once a week because this is trés discouraging.
Thursday Speed 1.0 246 Barely made it.  Today was better than yesterday, but the Burnout still knocked me out the box.
Friday None There was no workout in me this day.  I started the day planning to get the workout in over my lunch break.  Then I decided to work through my lunch break.  Then I decided I wasn’t gonna exercise.  Just not gonna.  I didn’t even go for a walk.  Tomorrow’s another day.
Saturday Cardio 192 Barely made it. I modified the entire workout.  I had a major motivation lapse this week.  But I pressed play anyway.  I moved my body and burned some calories.
Sunday Walking Unknown I met a girlfriend in Santa Monica to go up the Santa Monica stairs.  We only went up once, and both of us had shaky legs afterward.  Meanwhile, others were blowing past us running (yes, running) up the stairs.  But you know what?  Each to his or her own abilities.  I’m glad we got out there.  And my girlfriend went to yoga first, so kudos to her!

Week 2 results

Day 0
2 March
Week 2
16 March
Weight 167.2 167.2
Body Fat 36% 35.1%
Muscle 31.3% 32.9%

Looking forward to next week

I’m making some changes next week.  I love the challenge of T25, but I feel like I’m exercising just a bit beyond my depth.  It’s more important to me to build a sustainable habit than to produce rapid results.  So I’m taking it down a notch and I’m going to start TurboFire instead.  TurboFire is intense.  It’s not T25 intense, but it’s intense nonetheless.  More importantly, it’s within my range.  I found I’d started dreading my workouts, anticipating the torture.  I’ll come back to T25 once I’ve conquered TurboFire.

Posted in: Fitness

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