Pressing the Reset Button

 Looking back at last week


It was another rough week.  Second one in a row.  I worked out three (and a half) times.  I tracked my food and was within my calorie goal only two days this week.  The major struggle has been motivation and discipline.


23Mar14 Calories Burned


23Mar14 Calories Consumed

Key victories this week

  • When I worked out, my stamina was good.
  • I got in 10,000 steps five days this week
  • I stretched three times this week.

Key lessons this week

  • I need structure.
  • It’s time to hit the reset button and get back to basics: goal setting, food tracking and consistent exercise.

Looking forward to next week


Area Goal
Food 1200 net calories; track food six days this week.
Exercise Complete workout six days; get 10,000 steps daily
Water Consume 64 oz. daily


Finally, as I start a new week, I think it’s also important to reset my perspective.  It’s so easy to get caught up in the struggle, the frustration,  or the disappointment.  Sure, I’ve got saddlebags, love handles, and cellulite on my bum.  But you know what else I have?  I’ve got a strong, resilient heart.  I’ve got two strong legs that carry me wherever I want to go.  I have a strong immune system.  I’ve got so much to be thankful for.  I’m so grateful that I’m healthy, my basic needs are met, and I have the luxury to focus on longevity, preventative health care and maintenance.

Looking at you!

So how about you?  Did you have a good week?  What are your goals for this week?  What are you thankful for?

Posted in: Fitness

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