Nail art: Bundle Monster Plate 310

DSCN0009I hear some women can do a polish change in about 20 minutes.  Not so for the novice!

The color scheme on my latest manicure is similar to my last manicure.  I guess I’m partial to the dark green/gold combination.  I used China Glaze Westside Warrior for my background color, with China Glaze Midnight Kiss as my stamping color.  Bundle Monster image plate number 310 has two inverse images, and I thought that would make for a cool accent nail.  I was also excited to create my very first YouTube video.  But I’m a novice at that also.  Ha!

Once I’d applied the color, I had a hard time completing the nail stamping.  Either I didn’t let my nails dry enough, or I was pressing too hard, but I completely ruined the paint job.  So, you guessed it.  I had to start over!

DSCN0015But I’m pleased with the final result.  The delicate lattice design ended up being quite subtle, but very pretty.  And I like the accent nail.  I think you may not notice that it’s the inverse image right away, but as the light hits it, it becomes noticeable.  Also very pretty.

Second time around, I did a better job aligning the image on my nail.  I did a really poor job painting my nails, but after the clean up, it all turned out quite nice.



I’m going to figure out how to edit my first video, and I’ll add it when it’s complete!  Anyway, let me know what you think.

Bundle Monster Plate 310 Design

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Posted in: Nail Art

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2 Comments on "Nail art: Bundle Monster Plate 310"

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  1. andrea says:

    i like this one the best! what a fun site!

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