New Beginnings

This picture is actually from 2012, but not much has changed (except my hair!)

This picture is actually from 2012, but not much has changed (except my hair!)

Happy 2014, Beauties!

Last year was a tough year for me in terms of my health and fitness goals.  I just couldn’t get it together.  Like many people, I’m starting 2014 with a renewed commitment to transforming my health and fitness.  I’m taking several small steps that I hope will have huge effects over the course of the next several years.

Before and After

  • Exercise – I tend to take on extreme exercise programs to try to create dramatic results in a short period of time.  That hasn’t worked so well for me.  This year, I’ll be focused on establishing a consistent habit of exercising 25 minutes a day.  My treadmill died last year, so I replaced it with a hybrid elliptical/bike machine from ProForm.  And this year’s Christmas present to myself was a home gym.  I have a tiny little workout area in my apartment, but both machines will just fit, and I’ll be able to get in my cardio and my strength training in 25 minutes a day from the comfort of my home (I don’t love the gym 🙁 ).
  • Diet – When I do it consistently, tracking what I eat is really effective.  So I’ll be tracking my intake on MyFitnessPal.  If you haven’t used it yourself, MyFitnessPal is a great site!  They have an extensive database to track your calorie intake, you’re able to track your exercise, you’re able to link it to other exercise tracking gadgets and apps (like FitBit), and you’re able to connect with buddies on the site to share your progress.  If you’d like to be buddies, send me a request (beautynovice) and we can encourage each other.
  • Nutrition – I want more self-prepared whole foods in my diet.  I live alone and I’m busy.  I have not as yet figured out how to cook for myself on a regular basis (and not waste lots of food).
    • I’m trying out several quick and healthy recipes to expand my “go to” meals.
    • I’m exploring stir fry meals.
    • I’m experimenting with slow cooker recipes.
  • The Scale – I’m putting it away y’all.  At least for now.  I’m shifting my focus from a number on the scale to how I look and feel.  So I’ll be spending time in the mirror, spending time reflecting on how I feel, and letting those be my guide.Mirror Mirror
  • Support – My hope is that posting on the blog more regularly will help keep me accountable.


So that’s what I’m up to.  My goal is to develop these new habits to the point where they’re on auto-pilot.  My current auto-pilot habits (those habits I perform without making conscious choices) have me gain weight consistently.  So I’m establishing new auto-pilot habits that nourish me, strengthen me, and support my health and life.  Nothing dramatic…just small consistent changes over time.  That’s the journey I’m on.

I hope you’ll join me!

Posted in: Fitness

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